Be nice to your TSA people. They work long hours, deal with hundreds of people and could use a break. If you don’t want to do it for that reason, do it because you don’t want something like THIS to happen to you!
Just got done reading your strip from start to finish, love the humor.
p.s….you ever notice how you get sick after “every” con you go to…?
invest in some hand sanitizer and airborn, your shaking hands with thousands of unwashed humans
Thanks for reading and commenting! As for getting sick? We usually try various supplements to avoid the stuff. Heh, the con’ crud is just something you risk going to these things, no matter what side of the table you’re on! 😉
yeah….dont see this one ending well either..
Just got done reading your strip from start to finish, love the humor.
p.s….you ever notice how you get sick after “every” con you go to…?
invest in some hand sanitizer and airborn, your shaking hands with thousands of unwashed humans
Thanks for reading and commenting! As for getting sick? We usually try various supplements to avoid the stuff. Heh, the con’ crud is just something you risk going to these things, no matter what side of the table you’re on! 😉