The wait is over and the comic is now live! I will post more about it later, now I will go and sit in traffic.
(Edit, 7:22 p.m.: Now that I’ve made it through Friday traffic and have a couple drinks in me, here is more of the story.)
In the final panel, I have a gaggle of well-wishing weasels which are identified as follows; Lance McWeasel, Marianne Weasel, Taylor (Star) Weasel, (Chopper) Dave Weasel,ΓΒ the Generic Female Weasel and the Generic Male Weasel. I decided to put you three into the comic in thanks for all your comments and time you have spent following the strip. The Generic Weasels are for everybody else that I couldn’t fit in/draw in time to get it up for the Friday Anniversary. Thank you everybody, I hope you enjoy today’s strip.
holy crap! that’s awesomeness! and yes.. angela is good at organizing… and THAT too! π eheheheh
congratulations cutie weasel man! i love you so much!!! mwah!!!
*i take it it’s me with the star shirt?*
nosey weasel kisses galore!
Thanks cutie! Yes, it is you, read the extended description and enjoy! π
Woot! Congrats hun!
Of course, it sort of made me hungry for cake…
ok..i’m a dork. i read the description on lj, not this one. ehehehe thank you sweetie! gonna make me cry!
love you!!!! many many congratulations nicky!
VERY cool Nick, I will continue to comment on the Weasels, and when the new sampler is ready I gots your distribution up here in Greenville and Asheville.
brainssssss X)
Thank you all! I have the best reader EVAR!
Heather, Janel: Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Dave: Thanks! I will work on getting some samplers made up for you.
Taylor: You’re too cute to be munching brains, but you’re just cute enough for a BUTTMUNCH! π
mmmm dingleberry stew…
nom nom nom! Goddess knows my ass is plenty big to go around! I could feed a whole village with just my butt!
yeah but if you used your ass to feed then there wouldn’t be as much nice Taylor ass to look at and for Jeff to grab hold of π
this is true. besides, i bet there are other more tasty bits o tay to be had! OOO
::stares blankly thinking about tasty taylor bits:: oh…sorry Im back heheh
Aaaaaah! I’m a weasel! Woohoo! LOL!
Congratulations Nick!
dave: *blushes*
as usual, i am late to the party… but still, congratulations on this milestone! you are doing the good work, and an inspiration to “all talk” posers like myself!
aaahh I made the Taylor blush…didn’t think that was possible..
it takes a lot! go you!
::does the dance of joy::
Marianne: Yes you are! Thanks for supporting the comic.
Germaine: It doesn’t matter when you do it, you’re always welcome and I appreciate you stopping by!
Dave, Taylor: Great job Dave, I didn’t think it was possible either! π
leave it to me, I always seem to do the impossible in some form or fashion.