The wait is over and the comic is now live! I will post more about it later, now I will go and sit in traffic.

(Edit, 7:22 p.m.: Now that I’ve made it through Friday traffic and have a couple drinks in me, here is more of the story.)

In the final panel, I have a gaggle of well-wishing weasels which are identified as follows; Lance McWeasel, Marianne Weasel, Taylor (Star) Weasel, (Chopper) Dave Weasel,  the Generic Female Weasel and the Generic Male Weasel. I decided to put you three into the comic in thanks for all your comments and time you have spent following the strip. The Generic Weasels are for everybody else that I couldn’t fit in/draw in time to get it up for the Friday Anniversary. Thank you everybody, I hope you enjoy today’s strip.