Here are some ideas I’ve been working on for the latest WNN series. As a bonus for the delay, here is another sketch. Angela really liked this one and I included what she said about him.
Here are some ideas I’ve been working on for the latest WNN series. As a bonus for the delay, here is another sketch. Angela really liked this one and I included what she said about him.
NIck? up to something? NEVER!! lol
Exactly! I’m glad you agree. 😉
I <3 the mummy weasel! I love how his little eyes are buggin out, and the whiskers poking out from the wrappings. Too cute!!!
Hey man you and I suffer from the same affliction…we can never be up to something because we are sbsolute shit at hiding our intentions.
Marianne: Thanks!
Taylor: Thanks sweetie! He is in the next comic, go take a look!
Dave: The good side of it is that at least we don’t bullshit much! 😉
ya’ll don’t have enough tact to bullshit! 🙂 eheheheh you just let it all hang out..which we ladies don’t mind in the slighest! oops..was that my outloud voice again *gets distracted looking at hanging out dangly bits*
hey I have tact, i just have a very low tolerance for stupidity. ::grins evilly at taylor::
you know speaking of dangly bits, you did make a very fine zombie there taylor.
then it wouldn’t be a dangly bit for you would it! it’d be a sproinggggggg bit from the zombie taylor! doh! 😉 eheheheheh
*prances around in little clothing*
oh.. and i have like noooo tolerance for stupid people these days *cough cough..people i work with*