“…and lo, it come to pass that Darth Sidious, Pope and leader of the land, met his enemy on the field of battle. Strong Jedis they were, of a small, offshoot Order. Faithful to the ways of the Force, but with a strong urge to dress like like the citizens of the fabled city of Disneyland. Their fierce battle tore open an opening to Hell, and a host of Satanic Ewoks overran the world.”
(From Ancient texts, posted on a message board somewhere.)
Dragon*Con (and Conventions in general) are really quite the experience. You never know what you might see…
yep, you’ll never know what you’ll get inside. until you crack their heads open and reveal the gummy chewy center.
*After we pick ourselves up off the floor*
This is why we LOVE you Tay my dear!
mmmm chilled ewok brains….oh..sorry yeah if hell does open up it will be in the center of disneyworld in Florida where its already hot enough to melt human skin.
it’s one of the reasons you love me! the other is cuz i’m short and bouncy and i dont’ mind it when people stare at my boobies! 😉
AH yes Taylor and her nice….ahem sorry brain drifted for a moment..love you taylore hehehehe
need to learn how to type slower
Dave, you we’re distracted by Taylor cuteness. It happens often to people that know and love her, we understand. 😉
Hmm, chilled Ewok brains…I heard those were are delicacy among the Hutts…
yeah It’s really hard not to be distracted by the Taylor cuteness.
Not sure about that, I was doing a combo Star Wars/ Indiana Jones joke.
yay cute! *bounces up and down. stops. stares at everyone. then starts back up again.* boingy boingy boingy! eheheheheh