Wapsi Square is a great comic I discovered over at Aaron A‘s site.
Posts Tagged Webcomic Links
I discovered this Webcomics Podcast today over on the Sheldon webcomic. They bill it as “by webcartoonists, for webcartoonists”, which caught my attention. I’m looking forward to listening to it and hope I get some good tips to use on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Devil’s Panties is a great comic updated daily by Jennie Breeden. It’s funny as hell and she’s doing at a larger size this year. If you’re not reading it yet, you should!
I know I just linked to her last week, but she did a redesign of her website. Go take a look, the title of this entry is from today’s comic!
Scott Kurtz of PVP and Webcomics Weekly is doing another podcast. It’s called Webcomics Confidential and it’s a good show. In the first episode, he is interviewing Tyler Martin, creator of ComicPress and the webcomic Wally & Osborne. ComicPress, in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Aaron Alexovich has done some great stuff that has been inspiring to me. Since I noticed him posting on the ComicPress forums, I have really been looking forward to this new project. I consider Serenity Rose his best work, I’m[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…