Ah yes, the office environment. So many comics have plumbed the comedic depths of this subject… and now it’s our turn! Since my regular job as an IT Manager (I prefer “tech nerd” personally) has been so stressful recently, I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Geek
Ah paperwork, the necessary evil of life! Paperwork to me is a lot like cleaning the kitty litter box; I don’t like the act, but I like the result. I don’t suppose any of you are happy doing TPS reports,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Being able to describe the geeky (and/or technical) in layman’s term is a very valuable skill. Your average pimply-faced nerd doesn’t have a clue of how to accomplish that. I learned from Angela over the years about how to translate[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Being able to buy (and set up) the new stuff has always been the fun part of doing Tech Support work. Oddly enough, even with all the internet to shop, it’s still cheaper to buy a lot of stuff local[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today is officially Star Wars Day! I don’t know what that means exactly, except that it’s time to make a couple Star Wars themed jokes and thank Life’s a Witch for indirectly inspiring the comic!