So what happens when the weasels are late coming into the comic? Now you know, the cats take over! A sketch to the first person that figures out what the cat is doing in panel 3. Post a comment to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Contest
What started off as being behind schedule is now a chance for YOU to show your creativity! So, instead of replacing the blank comic with a regular strip, I’ve put up a modified version. It’s up to YOU to comment[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Keep an eye here. By tomorrow, the winner to the contest will be up! (Edit, 11/9/08: The winner is finally up! Thanks to Taylor and Dave for the input, I hope you enjoy it.)
The March contest is complete the winner for the previous contest will be announced in a couple days! Comment on one of our April comics on the Think Weasel! site and get entered into a drawing for a FREE sketch[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I know I continue on this like a heard of turtles, but here are the contest winners! March – Vince of OH-NO Comics! April – Chis of Knoxville, TN! May – Our new commenter LilFluff! Winners will be contacted so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…