The Think Weasel! Sampler is on the tables at Dragon*Con. Did you find one? There are still more to be had! photos/on_the_table
Posts Tagged 2007
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We’re back from Dragon*Con and catching up on things. I’ll be posting pictures and writing about the fun soon. First, things need to be put away and other stuff that was put off until after the ‘Con need to be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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His work on Strangers in Paradise is one of the things that got me back into illustration the second time. I met him on Sunday at Dragon*Con and it was the highpoint of the convention. photos/me_terry_moore
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I’ll be making some changes soon to make ThinkWeasel less blog-ish and more webcomic-ish. There is an adaptation of WordPress called ComicPress and I’m going to give it a shot. Stay tuned!