Today is 10th Anniversary of Free Comic Book Day! In participating comic shops all around the World, you will be able to walk in and get FREE comic books! Many of these shops are also hosting special events in celebration of today, so go find a comic shop near you and go! If you don’t know where one is, the FCBD website has a form that you can type your location into and find the ones near you.
Ted has some exciting projects coming up and I’m looking forward to them. He also did a revamp of his site, so check it out and let him know what you think!
As you may know, to celebrate the ten year anniversary of Courtney Crumrin, Oni Press is releasing a new ongoing Courtney series, written and drawn by Yours Truly, as well as color hardcover editions of the entire series. They are in stores as of this last Wednesday, or else available online at the Oni Press store. If you’ve ever been interested in Courtney Crumrin, now is the time to jump on!