Spring Weasels Mar20 on March 20, 2009 at 11:58 pm Chapter: Comics Spring is here and so is spring fever! Share this:ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitterPocketTumblrRedditPinterest └ Tags: 2009, Intermission, Spring, Weasels, Webcomic Related Comics ¬ Sketch Cards 8 News Mummy News Weasel Shocking Intermission Angela Sketch
kinda reminds me of the intro and ending of the teletubbies
The Teletubbies are wrong on so many levels…
yeah man they are. but this strip is still teletubbie worthy lol
Enjoy it while it lasts lovie. Summer is right around the corner.
Damn I’m behing on Weasels!
Hmmmm… that should have been “behind” not “behing”.
Hehehe, good Guinness.
LOVE it! xoxox