If only they DID make these things…the little bastards disappearing unexpectedly is always a risk of outdoor cats.
Heh, he said seedmuncher.
If only they DID make these things…the little bastards disappearing unexpectedly is always a risk of outdoor cats.
Heh, he said seedmuncher.
eheheh. seedmuncher! only you could make “seedmuncher” sound dirty! oh wait.. i can think of a different meaning for seed. ewww~! 😉 ha! i’m warped
Very funny, baby! ::smooch::
Ha! Fantastic!
Thanks ladies, you all rock! 🙂
sorry about Bernie guys, hopefully she’ll turn up soon.
Thanks, yeah, we hope she’ll turn up soon too. Thanks again for stopping by to comment ladies. *mwah*
I hate to break it to you, but they already exsist! Here is just one I found real quickly!
Yeah, they’ve had ones for dogs for some time. The ones for cats have taken a bit longer since the equipment needs to usually be a bit smaller. Thanks for reading and commenting!