His work on Strangers in Paradise is one of the things that got me back into illustration the second time. I met him on Sunday at Dragon*Con and it was the highpoint of the convention. photos/me_terry_moore
Archive for News
I’ll be making some changes soon to make ThinkWeasel less blog-ish and more webcomic-ish. There is an adaptation of WordPress called ComicPress and I’m going to give it a shot. Stay tuned!
Fall, October and Halloween are my favorite time of the year. There has been (yet more) personal stuff. Now that is past, it is time to focus on art again. There will be more here on the site this month.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The next chapter in the Intermission zombie will be up tomorrow. The third (and final) part is already on the drawing board, I hope you enjoy it. After all, what’s not to like about stick figure zombies?
As the comic published today says, it’s the anniversary of the first strip. I was originally planning to post the third installment of the Intermission Zombie today, but then I realized that it had been ONE YEAR since starting all[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…